Independence Bible School is a private, Christian, state-accredited K-12 school, located in southeast Kansas. The purpose of our school is to provide an excellent, Christ-centered education to our students in order that they may succeed as servant-leaders in our modern world. Mark 15:16 states, "Go...into all the world and preach the Gospel..." It is the mission of the staff and faculty of Independence Bible School to provide an education that will equip students to be Christ-followers who are educated, well-rounded, critical thinkers that will live out an authentic, Christian life based on God's Word and share the Gospel with others. We are looking forward to the 2023-2024 school year!
Matthew Brewer

Our Core Beliefs

We believe in the Trinity - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We belive that Jesus, God's Son, was crucified, died, and rose again, in order to save those who confess from their sins. We believe that the Holy Spirit fully indwells the believer in the experience of entire sanctification. We believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God. We believe we are to love God with our whole hearts and our neighbors as ourselves.
Our History

Independence Bible School was founded in Independence, Kansas, in September of 1949.
The school was started in order to provide children with the opportunity to receive a Christian education. IBS has resided at it's present location since November, 1996.